Saturday 21 January 2012

Starting my aquarium life

Hello all,
Welcome to my first ever blog!
This blog will be my way of keeping track of the changes I make to my current tank or any new projects I decide to tackle.  I also hope people along the way can get some useful tips or ideas about how to start an aquarium or to better look after the one they already have.
In 2010 my girlfriend and I purchased our first flat together and for our first pets we decided to get some tropical fish, thinking all I would need to do is feed them once a day and they would be fine, I could not of been more wrong!  Our fish only seemed to have a life span of about 1 month and replacing them was getting expensive, so I decided to do some research and hopefully have some great looking fish that last a lot longer.
I can safely say that just over 1 year in our flat and 6 months into the fish tank revival that all is well.  We have some great fish and they have been happy and alive for the past 5 months.  I also have to admit that I have caught the tropical fish tank bug and is now fast becoming a very addictive hobby.
Over the next few months I will be adding more information on how to start and look after your very own tropical fish tank.

I also have a YouTube channel, please check it out